WHO team arrives in Wuhan in search of novel coronavirus origins

An international team of experts tasked with studying the origin of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has arrived in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, officials confirmed on Thursday.
Their arrival was delayed after a protracted tug-of-war about the trip.
Upon arrival, the researchers were tested for the coronavirus and asked to go into quarantine for two weeks.
The experts will work with Chinese scientists to investigate whether the virus can be traced back to its origins.
The novel coronavirus which causes the COVID-19 disease was first discovered over a year ago in the central Chinese metropolis.
The search for the origin of the virus is politically sensitive – China fears being fingered as the culprit for the coronavirus pandemic.
For months Chinese authorities have been casting doubt on whether the virus originated in China at all.
They point to unconfirmed reports that there may have first been possible infections in other countries.
They also say traces of the virus on imported frozen goods are evidence that the virus could have come from abroad.
Researchers, on the other hand, suspect bats from southern China as the original transmitters of the disease.