Art and Life

Except XXXV from Moral Goodness In Our Lifetime, By Pastor Ajayi James B. C.

Every governor should know the essence and purpose of government. He should have been trained formally or informally in the principle and intricacies of politics and administration. He does not need the force of muscles nor the deceit and subtleties of the devil. He needs brain but above all he needs wisdom and humanness, otherwise the ruled might become laboratory rats in the hands of an evil genius.


A ruler needs wisdom to make judicious use of his knowledge and the power he gets. King Solomon, the wisest king that ever lived,exhorted all men to get wisdom as the principal thing. A ruler needs to make sound decision and embark on decisive actions to achieve his goal.He needs wisdom to sift the chaff from the shafts of advice he gets from his ministers and advisers.Of course, he will not ascribe to himself the monopoly of knowledge and wisdom like the mythical tortoise who thought he had a monopoly of knowledge which he wanted to hide but went about doing it in a foolish way.A ruler must have a sharp vision and adequate foresight to make plans for feasible and practicable achievement of envisaged goals. His plans should contain short- and long-term goals.He should have alternative goals and relevant plans as backup or total replacement in case of unforeseen circumstances.


A governor should be wise enough to make adequate plans for the peace and welfare of his nation economically, socially, physically and security-wise.He should know that a nation that cannot feed herself and defend her territory from external aggression cannot be free from interference and domination by other countries.


A governor needs to do the right thing at the right time. He will not make an architect the minister of agriculture nor a lawyer the minister of health.He will put round pegs in round holes. Worst still are the rich and powerful illiterates who seek to rule the nation at Local,State and Federal levels.A person who does not know the difference between mineral resources and mineral water cannot successfully govern a state let alone the whole nation.

A ruler who is incapable of correctly analyzing and interpreting even a written speech given to him to read can hardly understand the weight and importance of the message.In Nigeria we have had scores of rulers of those types in the three tiers of government. Those are the people who perpetuate themselves in government and eventually wriggle their relatives and cronies into government power through manipulation of election results. They rig themselves , family members and cronies into the National and State Assemblies to pass laws with loopholes through which they….




LEGENDARY QUOTES: “POWER CORRUPTS, AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY – Lord Acton in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887.

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