
Daily Manna: An imperative for remoulding our uncheerful socio-political and economic discourse

By Professor R. T. Akinyele

It gives me great pleasure to address you this morning on the auspicious occasion of the unveiling of Daily Manna, the daily devotional guide of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry.

It is especially humbling to be called to give the key-note speech at the unveiling of this rebranded daily devotional, authored by no less a personality than the General Superintendent of Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Pastor W. F. Kumuyi.

The Daily Manna has been published, as a quarterly since 2004. It was converted into an annual in 2014. The positive impact of the publication over the years cannot be overstated. The result is that, today, it has become a household feature of many Christian families who use it daily as a vintage guide for personal and family devotion and fellowship.

This year, Daily Manna has been strengthened and rebranded with the promise of an even more universal usage by individuals and families.

Ladies and gentlemen, around us today, in our personal and national lives are expert opinions and analyses, influencers’ teachings and well-guarded nuggets from Life Coaches. Their prescriptions and precepts from experience, academic postulations and cult of lionized leadership policies and roadmaps have continued to assume a great force in shaping responses to the un-abating headwinds that ceaselessly threaten societal peace, harmony and growth.

As individuals and a nation, we are channeling enormous investments and resources into various projects and programmes aimed at making life and living better. However, despite the best of efforts, social malaise, discontentment, depression, protests and agitations as well as general frustration are all on the increase.

The picture staring us all in the face, today, portrays a humanity that is greatly troubled whose travails give no indication of decreasing. Mankind seem trapped in the un-ending and futile pursuit of fulfillment. This situation has pushed men and women, old and young, into resorting to solutions that only lead to deeper quagmire, unfulfilled aspirations and, simply, more headaches.

The dream of a beautiful, peaceful, fruitful and fulfilling life now seems like a mirage to many people with each passing day.

In the face of all these, politicians who have shown little inclinations or proclivity towards advancing concrete solutions to widespread distress of the people have ingeniously seized the center stage of national discourse with their very worldly narrative which has been of little help in assuaging the condition of the people. In the process, many miss the vital voice of men and women like Pastor W. F. Kumuyi. At nearly 82 Pastor Kumuyi’s voice has remained vigorous, maybe even more so now, in pointing men and women in the direction that brings enduring hope, peace and fulfillment in life. This vital attributes can be amply gleaned from the pages of this beautiful edition of Daily Manna. It provides answers to man’s problems in line with God’s infallible mind.

The Daily Manna is a spiritual compass that beautifully collates, presents and articulates God’s infallible solutions on various human worries and contentions. It helps individuals and nations to see the one thing missing in the quest for fulfillment and social advancement, namely: THE MIND OF GOD IN HIS WORDS! This, in the end, is the secret of a purpose-driven, happy and fulfilled life.

With its unimpeachable trademark of illuminating Bible texts and Divinely-guided anecdotes that reveal God’s instructions on how to victoriously handle the vicissitudes of life, the Daily Manna, as a devotional, offers invaluable roadmap to God’s template for lasting success.

The Daily Manna offers a simple-to-follow and refreshing platform to connect with God seamlessly, wisely and most efficiently every day. It enables the reader to cultivate an unassailable foundation in God and unbroken funnel into the ever flourishing provisions in His Living Spring. Indeed, this devotional is bound to become the national devotional here and in other countries.

The assurance of abiding calmness, healing and sustenance that the diligent reader stands to access from Daily Manna takes him far above the tumultuous, weariness, and disorderliness of today’s topsy-turvy world. Its aesthetics has been greatly enhanced with the introduction of two editions – the paperback (standard) and the deluxe version produced in leather cover.

The biggest component of the rebranded Daily Manna is the development of an exclusive app and a website for the Daily Manna. This will encourage e-consumption of the daily devotional, especially by the youth population.

As I conclude, let me invite you all, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, the generality of our global community, to take advantage of this newly inspired Daily Manna by getting your own copy. I guarantee that you will enrich your life with this heavenly meal each day of 2023.

I thank you immensely for your attention and commitment to spread the good news. God bless you all.


Professor R. T. Akinyele is Vice Chancellor, Maranatha University, Lagos. 

Photo Splash

*The Church Secretary, Pastor Samuel Afowape delivering a speech on behalf of the General Superintendent of the DCLM, Pastor W. F. Kumuyi 


*Some of the Senior Pastors of the Deeper Life Bible Church, Lagos, during the unveiling of Daily Manna… on Wednesday, January 4th. 


*Pastors and Church leaders


*The unveiling…. 


*Media men and guests…. 


*Rebranded Daily Manna unveiled…. 





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